Sunday, November 4, 2007

About Reel Intelligence

Uh, we review movies without ever seeing them. Most of the time we use the previews/trailers to analyze them. Sometimes we don't. Enjoy our very informed opinions.

Didn't you have more preview reviews before this?
Yes, sorry, they are probably sipping tea together on some server that I can no longer find. They weren't very good anyway. It won't happen again.

Why do you guys hate Hollywood/movies so much?
We don't. We love movies, and we understand that they take a lot of work to make, between the writers and producers and actors and everyone. Even crappy ones. And we appreciate it. Honestly, we're just trying to be funny here...

At most other humor sites I see a lot of f-bombs. Why is there not more swearing and stuff?
Because we like to think we're (somewhat) educated. And because we want our moms to still be proud of us. More the mom thing.

When do you update?
Every day, Monday - Friday. Sometimes you get a bonus weekend update.

Best Idea Ever.
its pretty funny. good idea.
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